11 Best Longevity Facebook Groups

11 Best Longevity Facebook Groups

Update 4/4/2024: Note, this post on the best longevity Facebook groups has been updated since we originally published it in September 2020 and first updated it in February, 2021. One new group has been added to the main list, while one which is no longer around has been removed, and several more have been included in the honorable mentions. Membership numbers for all the remaining groups have been updated and rounded to the nearest 100 for simplicity.

Facebook has over 2.1 billion daily active users according to their investor relations report.

Yes. Billion. With a “B.”

And with so many people logging on, that means Facebook can be home to some very (very) niche subcultures.

From people who want Detroit to install a Robocop statue to those who enjoy sharing second-hand knick-knacks to some real-life monsters who appreciate the font Comic Sans, Facebook’s groups are as diverse as the human race itself.

Which means those of us interested in radically extending the human lifespan should have no problem finding great longevity Facebook groups to join, right?

Well, yes… 

There are actually so many longevity and life extension Facebook groups out there that finding the best ones to join is an exercise in sifting through hundreds of different groups to see which are not only active, but also have quality posters and discussions that are well-moderated and research-backed.

So to save you the trouble, I’ve gone ahead and done all that backbreaking work for you.

Facebook Icon for Longevity Facebook Groups with text, "The 11 Best Longevity Facebook Groups"

We’ve also just launched our own Facebook group for life extension discussion, and would love to have you join us!

It’s a bit sparse with content just yet, but that will change in the coming weeks as we grow. Let us know what you’d like to see there!

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The best longevity Facebook groups

I used the following criteria to select this list of the best anti-aging Facebook groups:

  • At least 2,500 members.
  • At least five posts a week.
  • At least five of the ten most-recent posts refer to or cite a peer-reviewed research study.
  • No more than 20% of comments on the ten most-recent posts attempt to push or promote homeopathic medicine, spiritual healing, or other unproven medical science or interventions (including unfounded claims about substances like CBD oil or venus fly trap extract).
  • None of the ten most-recent posts push affiliate links or ads.

Groups are presented in descending order of member size (rounded to the nearest 100).

1. Age Reversal Protocols

anti aging facebook group dr david sinclair
  • Members: 17,800

A recent rebrand, this group used to be called the “Dr David Sinclair Fans” group. Similar to the unofficial Dr. Rhonda Patrick group also on this list, this longevity group was built around the work of Harvard life extension researcher Dr. David Sinclair (who also wrote the bestselling longevity book, Lifespan). It’s also the fastest-growing group on this list, skyrocketing to the #1 position by member numbers, up from number seven just a few years ago.

Posts here still focus on the research and regimen of Sinclair. But they also touch on more wide-ranging longevity topics like specific supplements, fasting, and the science behind cellular senescence. Most discussions are well-supported with links to research or science articles.

2. FoundMyFitness (Dr. Rhonda Patrick Health Group)

longevity facebook group foundmyfitness dr. rhonda patrick
  • Members: 14,200

One of several life extension Facebook groups on this list that are built around a prominent longevity influencer (the other being Dr. David Sinclair), this group is an unofficial forum to “discuss health topics related to Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s work in FoundMyFitness.”

Posts and conversations in the group focus mainly on the practical, including discussions of specific supplements, diets and, of course, Dr. Patrick’s recommendations and favorite longevity interventions (like sulforaphane). Commenters seem knowledgeable, and comments frequently answer questions with references to peer-reviewed research papers.

3. Immortality

life extension facebook group immortality
  • Members: 10,400

With moderators from organizations like Lifespan.io and SENS, and over 10,000 members, the Immortality Facebook group is one of the largest devoted to life extension and longevity.

Unfortunately, with its somewhat hyperbolic name, the group does attract some members that are more interested in unproven ideas or mysticism, but the knowledgeable admins and other members usually respond well by providing links to actual research and scientific studies. 

In general, conversation in the group includes event announcements, discussions of potential anti-aging interventions, and links to news and articles related to life extension.

4. Ending aging: SENS, SENS Foundation, Aubrey de Grey

longevity facebook group SENS
  • Members: 10,000

This is the official SENS Research Foundation Facebook group, run and moderated by SENS staff (the admin is the VP of Operations at SENS). It’s where employees of SENS share announcements and discussion topics.

As you might expect, conversation quality tends to be high here, despite the relatively large size of the group. You’ll find more SENS-related content in this group, but also a good share of general anti-aging news, talks, and longevity events.

5. Say Forever!

anti aging facebook group food drugs longevity say forever
  • Members: 7,800

With a snazzy rebrand (it used to be called the “Food. Drugs. Longevity” group) Say Forever! boasts seven admins and moderators, including the founder of Open Longevity and members of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. This longevity Facebook group does a pretty good job of keeping conversations on-topic and high-quality (though the odd pseudoscience pusher still sometimes pops up).

Posts are mainly links to articles, videos, or other content related to longevity. They also include events, local meetups, recent studies, and news.

6. End Aging Now

anti aging facebook group end aging now
  • Members: 7,800

Joining this longevity Facebook group is a good way to keep a pulse on news and progress in the industry. Members primarily post links to recent studies and science articles.

With 12 admins and mods, most spam and anti-science posts get caught and deleted, but some occasionally sneak through.

7. Life Extension and Anti-Aging

life extension and anti aging facebook group
  • Members: 6,800

One of the best collections of knowledgeable self-experimenters on Facebook, this group is ably modded by admin Nils Osmar who keeps discussions on-track and fact-based with his high-touch approach.

His rules include a pinned post at the top of the group reminding people: “Please remember though that we can’t ‘diagnose or prescribe’ for each other. (Even if we were all medical doctors, we couldn’t do that online.) So instead of saying ‘try this,’ or ‘do this,’ you might write, ‘Some people are trying this…’ or ‘I’ve tried this,’ or ‘This is what I might do if it were me.’”

Conversations in this group tend to be very well-informed, with links to research and studies to back up particular claims, and members helping out newbies who have questions on particular supplements or drugs, dosing schedules, or other longevity lifestyle changes.

8. International Longevity Alliance

international longevity alliance facebook group
  • Members: 6,500

Run by the folks over at the International Longevity Alliance and with over ten admins and moderators and notable commenters like Liz Parrish of BioViva, this anti-aging Facebook group keeps a high-level of discourse despite having over 6,500 members.

The ILA’s Facebook group has a good mix of announcements from respected longevity organizations like SENS and Forever Healthy, and news relevant to life extension like new studies and research results or links to videos of talks and presentations. If you’re looking for a good all-around group to get a picture of happenings in the longevity industry, this is a solid one for that.

9. Latest Aging Research Updates

aging research facebook group
  • Members: 4,100

Moderated by people including a former SENS employee, the founder of Forever Healthy, and an employee of Ichor Life Sciences, this longevity Facebook group was created with the sole purpose to “share articles published in the peer-reviewed literature within the last month” about life extension and anti-aging therapies.

And the posts (primarily from admin Sven Bulterijs) live up admirably to this purpose, with links almost exclusively to scientific journals like Nature or anti-aging research studies in PubMed or on BioRxiv. If you want a great place to keep up with the technical, hard science of the life extension field, this group is for you.

And if you want to be as up-to-date as Sven is, you can try copying his method, which he described to me as:

“A main news source for me is the weekly emails that I get from PubMed with articles that contain certain keywords. Also studies posted on Facebook by friends and in groups such as “Biology of Aging News”, Google scholar subscriptions to selected researchers, and email updates from BioRxiv. I also sometimes go through the table of contents of my favourite journals… Smaller sources include the GRG mailing list, our lab’s internal article sharing channel, Fierce Pharma, Evaluate Vantage, ScienceDaily newsletter, PAAS (patents) emails,… I am also subscribed to certain journals for updates such as PNAS and BMJ as well as publishers such as ACS.”

10. Senescent Cell Research Group

senescent cell facebook group
  • Members: 2,900

This anti-aging research Facebook group only has three moderators. Content primarily focuses on senolytic drug research and other interventions for clearing out senescent cells. Occasionally, the moderators allow more general longevity-related posts and announcements.

Former SENS researcher Sven Bulterijs is again the admin/mod superstar here. He generates good discussion across all the several longevity-related groups he runs.


closing the life expectancy gap longevity facebook page
  • Members: 2,500

Squeaking in just at the limit for number of members, this longevity Facebook group is focused on using radical life extension technologies to reach the most disadvantaged. Currently those in poorer nations live shorter lives than those in wealthy nations and the mission statement of the group is dedicated to closing this “life expectancy gap.”

Moderated by Lilia Lens-Pechakova and organized by the Life Extension Beyond Borders Association, the group is a great way to keep up on current and upcoming life extension research. With updates on stem cell research, anti-aging antibody studies in Nature, and interviews with longevity experts like Aubrey de Grey, she shares a wide variety of great information. That said, conversations and engagement from members isn’t as involved as other groups on this list, but hopefully that changes as the group grows in size.

Honorable Mentions

There were a few groups that didn’t quite make the cut (either because of size, content that duplicated groups already on the list, or topic coverage a little outside the main life-extension focus of this list). Even so, they may be interesting or useful to readers. I’ve included them below: 

Any good longevity Facebook groups we missed?

Add your favorites in the comments (so long as they have nothing to do with Comic Sans)!


    1. J.P.

      Thanks Nils! You’re the most knowledgeable (and reasonable in terms of how you approach it from a science-backed perspective) longevity self-experimenter I’ve yet come across and I’ve learned a ton from the group and from your posts especially.

  1. Hi JP,

    I am the publisher of https://longevitylive.com/ and a printed edition of Longevity, as well as social media.

    Our Facebook has 9,505 followers. Longevity https://www.facebook.com/longevitymagazine and we would appreciate it if you would add us to your list. We can also be found on Twitter @longevitymag and Insta @Longevity_Live Our focus is on making information about living your best life as you age, more accessible to the public at large and we focus on lifestyle, health and beauty content. Incidently, Longevity was first launched as a magazine way back in the 1980s in New York, USA, before the internet was introduced to the public and we are the only remaining content hub from this original content platform. We currently write content in digital and print form.

    I would really appreciate it if you would add us to your list, as you will note from our website and our followers, we are fairly significant and we bring content to readers in an easy and informative style to encourage them to live a happier, healthier life.

    Thanks for your consideration.
    Gisele Wertheim Aymes
    @giselewaymes Twitter
    @GiseleWertheimAymes on Insta

    1. J.P.

      Gisele, thanks for sharing the website and links! Looks like a solid publication. However this article was specifically covering Facebook Groups, and it looks like what you linked is a Page and not a Group unless I’m mistaken?

  2. Pingback: 12 Best Longevity Gifts for Under $300 - Longevity Advice

  3. Pingback: Aging Teeth and Radical Life Extension | Longevity Advice

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