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Update 6/7/2021: This post has been updated since we originally published it in August 2020. Several new longevity life extension blogs have been added and one that is no longer active has been removed.
What would the longevity community look like without life extension blogs?
I imagine it would pool into two groups: one made up of ivory tower PhDs quibbling over their latest studies, and one made up of conspiracists who are a little too quick to conflate science with magic. Blogs—at least the ones I’ve listed below—act as an intermediary between ongoing research and the educated public.
With that said, there are a lot of anti-aging outlets.

While rounding up the best resources for this article, I reviewed 67 different longevity blogs, many of which are considered essential standbys. Because there were so many options, I used strict filters to keep the “top” part of this “top life extension blogs” roundup accurate.
Top life extension blogs
Specifically, I used the following qualifications:
- The blog must cover life extension topics. The blog may span other topics, but there must be a focus on human longevity.
- The blog must be active. Posts need to span for at least a year and there needs to have been a post within the past month.
- The blog must be technically sound. There’s no excuse for pages that load slowly or images that cover text.
- The blog must be established. As a proxy for Google, I use Domain Authority to gauge the reputability of the site to search engines. All sites on this list have a Domain Authority of 30 or above.
- The blog must provide insightful content. No spam shall make this roundup.
With those requirements in mind, I whittled down my list of best life extension blogs to a mere eleven. They are ordered alphabetically.
1. Aging Matters
About: Dr. Josh Mitteldorf, the sole author of Aging Matters, is an evolutionary biologist with over 30 published studies and articles on aging in peer-reviewed medical journals. He is also the author of Cracking the Aging Code: The New Science of Growing Old – And What It Means for Staying Young, Aging is an Adaptation, and Aging is a Group-Selected Adaptation. His incipient Data-BETA research project also aims to be the largest collection of supplementation and intervention data from anti-aging self-experimenters once it goes live.
Blog years active: 9
Domain authority: 67
Brief description: Dr. Mitteldorf uses his research background to distill aging breakthroughs for the reader. His approach is refreshing, as he does so in a tempered way that forgoes all the hype often found in mainstream news coverage.
Best for: College-educated readers looking for a deeper dive into longevity science. Start with this article: Age Reduction Breakthrough
2. Buck Institute Blog

About: The Buck Institute is a biomedical research nonprofit dedicated to extending healthy lifespans. They not only funded the research that led to the discovery of stem cells could promote longevity, how to “tame” senescent cells, and how molecular hallmarks of aging could lead to anti-aging therapies.
, but they are major investors in several pillars of anti-aging research, like howBlog years active: 3
Domain authority: 60
Brief description: The Buck Institute appears to update its blog twice a month. They tend to focus more on established research, though they don’t shy away from explaining new findings.
Best for: Newbies to life extension.
Start with this article: When does “healthy” turn to “healthy aging”?
3. Fight Aging!
About: Fight Aging! is a life extension blog dedicated to longevity research advocacy. They cover emerging research and technology that could help their readers live longer, healthier lives. Occasionally, Fight Aging! raises funds on behalf of relevant scientific research—they currently affiliate with 25 longevity-related research institutions, including SENS, the Methuselah Foundation, and LEAF.
Blog years active: 17
Domain authority: 52
Brief description: Fight Aging! is not for surface-level readers. Their website breaks longevity research, meaning that the authors examine the latest peer-reviewed journal articles and scour them for insights for an audience with a deep science background. Most articles start with a few paragraphs of context and then quote the studies’ findings to avoid inaccuracies.
Best for: Researchers and advanced spanners.
Start with this article: The Public Cannot Distinguish Between Scientific versus Unscientific, Likely Good versus Likely Bad Approaches to Longevity
4. FoundMyFitness

About: FoundMyFitness is run by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, who serves as a “translator” for lifespan-related human biology topics.
Blog years active: 11 years
Domain authority: 52
Brief description: Dr. Patrick—a biochemist herself—uses FoundMyFitness primarily to promote her popular life extension podcast, which mainly focuses on the intersection of nutrition and anti-aging. The blog features her podcast with time markers to help listeners navigate, and several resource pages dedicated to specific healthspan topics, from autophagy to zinc.
Best for: Diet-focused spanners.
Start with this article: The effect of sauna on depression and mood
5. The Life Extension Blog
About: Life Extension is a company that produces and sells high-quality, research-backed vitamins and supplements to extend healthy lifespans.
Blog years active: 13
Domain authority: 71
Brief description: This blog—along with Life Extension Magazine—centers on how supplementation can help overall wellness. While not explicitly focused on life extension, many of their articles tend to have complementary research that would be valuable for anyone who wants to invest in optimizing their body.
Best for: Wellness junkies.
Start with this article: Is Dementia Reversible?
6. Lifespan News

About: LEAF—or the Life Expansion Advocacy Foundation, seeks to “end age-related diseases.” As a nonprofit, they connect longevity researchers to investors to further the pursuit of expanding healthy human lifespans.
Blog years active: 6
Domain authority: 51
Brief description: With about one post a day, Lifespan offers more content than any other blog that made this list. From funding updates to high-level life extension concepts to exciting startups to keep an eye on, LEAF’s blog (on their domain) is a bit of a catchall and great for those who want to stay abreast of industry news.
Best for: Life extension enthusiasts of all stripes.
Start with this article: Will Increased Lifespans Cause Overpopulation?
7. Longevity.Technology
About: Longevity.Technology is a news outlet for investors looking to capitalize on the growing life-extension industry. They also run the popular Longevity2020 online events.
Blog years active: 2
Domain authority: 36
Brief description: Longevity.Technology believes that longevity is an emerging investment category. As such, they cover startups, industry news, and emergent medical research that could make an impact on that market.
Best for: Life extension technology geeks and longevity investors.
Start with this article: Making the Longevity grade: expanded list of 1000 leading names
8. Peter Attia Articles
About: Peter Attia MD is a practicing physician and longevity researcher. He is the founder of Attia Medical and is an investor or an advisor to several life extension companies, including Zero, Magic Spoon Cereal, and Oura. He also hosts the life-extension podcast, “The Drive.”
Blog years active: 9
Domain authority: 61
Brief description: Peter Attia has an opinion and he isn’t afraid to share it, even if it runs against conventional medical advice. His blog includes life extension research, critiques of the medical industry, and medical advice to those who want to follow his approach to improving their physical wellbeing.
Best for: Skeptics and self optimizers.
Start with this article: The red meat and plant-based recommendation wars
9. SelfHacked

About: Self Hacked is an outlet covering content relevant to biohackers—or people wanting to optimize their bodies outside the realm of traditional medicine.
Blog years active: 9
Domain authority: 61
Brief description: Unlike many life extension blogs, Self Hacked is run by post-graduates (largely PhDs, though there are a handful of PharmDs, MDs, and MScs) looking to cover supplementation-based approaches to better personal health. Before hitting publish, every article goes through a medical review process.
Best for: Biohackers.
Start with this article: 20 Longevity & Lifespan Increasing Supplements
10. Singularity Hub
About: Singularity University, founded by Peter Diamandis, is dedicated to using “exponential technologies” (like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and digital fabrication) to meet the world’s “global grand challenges.” They serve as a business incubator and also provide related consulting and executive training, and they run the Exponential Medicine conference every year. Founded in 2008, the private company has earned sponsorship from major brands like Google, Deloitte, and SAP.
Blog years active: 13
Domain authority: 76
Brief description: Singularity Hub is Singularity University’s blog. Its content centers on exponential technology, with a heavy emphasis on artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotech—longevity-specific articles are interwoven throughout . The blog publishes once a day and doesn’t lean too heavily on jargon, making it a consistent and accessible addition to any list covering top life extension blogs.
Best for: Tech-savvy bleeding hearts.
Start with this article: Why AI Will Be the Best Tool for Extending Our Longevity
11. Singularity Weblog
About: Nikola Danaylov, best known for his podcast Singularity.FM, goes by the name “Socrates.” He is the author of Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century.
Blog years active: 12
Domain authority: 51
Brief description: While Socrates occasionally publishes news and opinion pieces, he primarily uses his blog to publish his video interviews with industry thought leaders. While personally focused on the Technological Singularity, Danaylov regularly interviews experts exploring life extension and augmentation. Recent interviews have included James W. Clement, Dr. Michael Greger, and Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Best for: Transhumanists.
Start with this article: A Transhumanist Manifesto [Redux]
Other top life extension resources?
As life extension becomes a more popular, mainstream idea, several blogs that might not have made the cut for this initial list may breakthrough in the future (I’m particularly enthusiastic about Sergey Young’s blog, the Live Forever Club, and Longevity Advice, of course!). Which life extension blogs would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments and I’ll be sure to review those resources when we update this article.

By day, I am a problem solver, writer, and the co-founder of Longevity Advice. I’m best known for writing about technology and have been featured in Forbes, The Hill, and TechRepublic. When the batteries are powered down and the suit comes off, I’m an enthusiastic hiker, runner, and Rocket League competitor and enjoy discussing minimalism, Studio Ghibli, and Icelandic sheepdogs.
great list!
Thank you! It was amazing how many high quality life extension blogs there were to filter through.
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I created as an complement to the blogs. Instead of “blobs of prose”, which the field already had plenty of (blogs, books, etc.), has structured info: tables that are sortable and filterable. It’s content over presentation: not flashy, no SEO, and like Google philosophy it is designed to get you useful info and link to off site for more depth. I’m behind on updating it due to the pandemic, but catching up now as the pandemic eases in the US. It still has the best list of aging companies, plus some other useful material.
Thanks for the link, Karl! We’ll have to check it out. I think the industry entirely needs that kind of sortable data–you’re doing us all a service :).
Did you look at
I end up on all the time with my mix account, ha! I wouldn’t consider it a longevity-focused site, though they do sometimes cover the topic :).
Nice blog on Life Extension. Thank you for sharing such a nice blog.
Yo os sugiero que creéis una categoría sobre Inversiones, o al menos una entrada en la que expongáis formas de invertir en Longevidad para el “spaners” de a pie, es decir para el inversor particular minorista no acreditado. Yo estoy intentando abrir mis posiciones en Fondos de Inversión (a través de Bankinter y MyInvestor), Acciones (a través de DeGiro) y Participaciones en Empresas (a través de Capital Cell y WeFunder)… Pero echo en falta fuentes de información que me ayuden a abrir y gestionar mejor posiciones de inversión en el sentido que nos ocupa, para inversores no profesionales ?
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What about Anti-Aging Firewalls?